
Request Talent

We have thousands of talented professionals in our database, and we can help you find the precise candidates you are looking for.

With an active pool of thousands of qualified candidates, we can connect you with the professionals you need, when you need them, across all fields and experience levels. But we won’t just submit any candidates; we’ll make sure their specific talents match your hiring profile.

Whether you are in need of a great Direct Hire, looking to add immediate expertise through Contract Staffing or if you just want to see our Contract-to-Hire candidates in action, we can help.

Our team of professionals is standing by to serve your staffing needs. Contact BCG today, or fill out the form below to learn how we can sculpt a customized solution for you!


" BCG consistently sends us the right types of candidates. They have a nose for good people whom they pre-fit to our openings. Unlike recruiters who send lots of resumes, BCG doesn't waste my time. They send candidates they who are screened, and who are highly qualified for filling our partner-management positions."

-- Regional Vice President

" BCG got me great interviews with appropriate companies for the fine job I have now. They worked hard to learn what I have done and where I could best fit. On a scale of 1-to-10, they broke the scale for me!"

-- VP Marketing